Void – The Hunger for Meaning and Purpose

Why do we long to be loved? Why do we desire the attention of the opposite sex? It’s evolutionary in its basic form. But maybe sometimes we desire it just to fill a void inside us. Sometimes it seems no matter how much of it we have, we always crave for more. It’s like we are living in a fantasy. What happens when you have all of it – Do you consider yourself happy?

Being happy is a very personal thing, and when you have all of that, you might still be despaired. What is there? Feeling loved, sex and then again the void. Again the craving for some more. Back to ground zero.

I do admit that being in love or being loved is one of the greatest feelings in life – perhaps the greatest of all. But in the long-term, the ultimate hunger is that of purpose and meaning. You will feel the void if you don’t have a purpose. You will get all the love you crave, but when you are alone and you sit back wandering in your own thoughts, the emptiness will haunt you. When you are on a mission, when you are busy doing what you want to do, everything else fades. The void is gone. There is no greater joy than that.

Embrace the void – view it positively. Don’t shy away from it and try to escape. Don’t try to substitute the void with alternatives – that’s just lying to yourself. Admit its presence, and fill it with meaning.

If you don’t have a purpose for yourself, keep looking. You will find something you are passionate about. Then it will be easy to commit and perform.

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